Isabelle Pauwels

It's like another planet put together in a very simple, easy to understand language.

Videos, texts, info about art works by Isabelle Pauwels.

Links to video transcripts, artist books & short texts I wrote for art magazines or catalogues. It’s not an exhaustive selection— doesn’t include artist talks, or magazine texts I wish I wrote quite differently, or video scripts that I never took the time to make a final transcript of.

Texts for magazines and art catalogues

“Kayfables.” Agony Klub Magazine & Mixtape. Issue 6, 2019: 20-29. Casey X Wei, editor.

  • An image/text combo called about pro wrestling, job hunting and sex trade work. And lottery tickets.

“Level Heads.” The Capilano Review: Eye to Eye Issue 3.29 Summer 2016: 6.

  • some thoughts inspired by Westerwald Farmers Couple, a photograph by August Sander

“Being This.” Liz Magor. Musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich, and Kunstverein in Hamburg, 2016: 142-3.

  • about one of Liz’s works from an installation I had seen in person. My version of a “review"

“HEDGING.” Hunter And Cook, Toronto, Summer 2010: 26–35.

  • A photographic essay (with text), based on my experience shooting & editing the videos June 30 and W.E.S.T.E.R.N. HEDGING is not about those videos specifically.

“Similar Pages.”  Isabelle Pauwels: Triple Bill, Artspeak, Vancouver and Blackwood Gallery, University of Toronto, 2008:  33-8. 

  • A piece of conceptual writing. Content entirely stolen from google search with keywords Cinema Treasures and porn theatre. The green and blue colours are very off in this scan. The fun part is the moralistic flavour of many users’ comments, excerpted by the search terms.

Artist Books


More or Less Square: a Book in Three Parts (Photocopy Edition) 

Spiral bound self-published book, 8.5" x 11" x 1/2".  Part of More or Less Square installation at Catriona Jeffries Gallery, 2006.

Introductions ( Part One, Two and Three): typed in Microsoft Word, photocopied onto yellow paper.

Part One: typed in Microsoft Word, printed using white letter size paper. Photocopied onto white paper. Text formatted according to actual reality TV log sheets provided to me by a friend who was editing reality TV. Story inspired by viewing reality TV shows circa 2002-03.    

Part Two: composed on electronic typewriter, onto green data entry sheets. Photocopied onto green paper. Story inspired by research into early television experiments and broadcasts circa 1920's and 1930's. 

Part Three: composed on Remington Quiet Riter manual typewriter, using paper ripped out of artist sketchbook. Text formatted like script for a play. Photocopied on blue paper. Story inspired by Samuel Beckett plays. 

A special Galley Slave Edition of the book could be ordered in the gallery. I would then make it on site (type out parts 2 and 3 on electronic/manual typewriter, print out part 1, and assemble).

Spin Off (2005)

Shrink-wrapped books: 4 1/8" x 6 5/8" x 1/2". 

Edition of 100. Signed and numbered on random page. Stripes on/in books derived from 7-Eleven logo.  Produced by Trapp Editions and State Gallery, Vancouver, 2005 for the exhibition White Noise.


Unfurnished Apartment for Rent (2003)

Part of Unfurnished Apartment for Rent installation at Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, 2003. Produced by Trapp Editions, Vancouver.

Book features 7 vignettes about people living in low-rent apartments. They can’t afford furniture so they cut it out of their walls. The roommates and neighbours do mind… It’s an “imaginary film:” it’s a play that takes place on a film set. The play is not filmed (no one cares about these people). The book is printed with uncut pages, so the reader has to slice the pages open along one side in order to read the book. Sorry I don’t have a downloadable version of this book!   

2 Editions: 500 self-cover books (featured in the installation) and 50 hardcover books (special edition separate from the installation).   Link to Trapp Projects